Click Here to Read Information About this Item or tips on how to fill out the personalization form
Personalized in 4 areas, Use the sample image to help you fill out the form.
Customize with any Title on top (ex: Rising Star) and any three lines of custom text on bo
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Rising Star Dance Personalized Photo Frame
Personalized for all dance styles, these Rising Star picture frames are great to proudly display your competition and showcase dance photos.
Personalized in 4 areas, Use the sample image to help you fill out the form.
Customize with any Title on top (ex: Rising Star) and any three lines of custom text on bo
Available for 4x6, 5x7 or 8x10" pictures both Tall or Wide it also has an easel back for desk display and a hook for wall hanging. Engraved Free.
This frame normally ships out within 3-5 business days of receiving your order. Package travel time is additional.